always-on app
always-on app

評分9/10(1)·免費·AndroidAlwaysOnisapersonalizationappwithAMOLEDorOLEDdisplaysforAndroiddevices.Itallowsuserstohaveanalways-ondisplaywithvariouscustomization ...,評分1.0(1)·免費·iOS此App只能透過iPhone及iPad的AppStore取得。AlwaysonDisplayClock4+.Pa...

HTC U20好用APP推薦: Always On AMOLED

HTCU20這支沒有其他手機的智慧顯示AOD功能就去googleplay商店找了個替代方案來解決找的是這個AlwaysOnAMOLED點進去可以依照個人習慣去授權給app ...

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AlwaysOn | Always On Display APK for Android

評分 9/10 (1) · 免費 · Android AlwaysOn is a personalization app with AMOLED or OLED displays for Android devices. It allows users to have an always-on display with various customization ...

在App Store 上的「Always on Display Clock」

評分 1.0 (1) · 免費 · iOS 此App 只能透過iPhone 及iPad 的App Store 取得。 Always on Display Clock 4+. Patel Darshan. 1.0 • 1 則評分. 免費. iPhone 截圖. 更 ...

AlwaysOn Wellness on the App Store

評分 4.0 (1,831) · 免費 · iOS With the AlwaysOn app, you can take your health assessment, connect with 80+ tracking devices and applications, including Apple Health and many more. We offer a ...

Always-on apps and system ambient mode

Starting in Wear OS 5, the system moves always-on apps to the background after they're visible in ambient mode for a certain period of time. Users can configure ...

Always On Display | F-Droid

AlwaysOn is an app for every device with an AMOLED or OLED display. It adds an always-on display with various customization options regarding the watch face ...

Always On Display

Always on Display lets you quickly and easily check useful information without turning on your screen. ▷ Touch the screen to run.

Always On AMOLED

評分 4.4 (191,130) · 免費 · Android · Always On Display (AOD) 和Always on Amoled 應用程式可以將您的普通鎖定螢幕轉變為互動式、資訊豐富且時尚的鎖定螢幕。

AOA: Always on Display

評分 4.3 (82,413) · 免費 · Android · AOA 是一項突破性的始終顯示功能,可讓您直接從屏幕上與通知進行交互、查看時間/日期、天氣預報、控制音樂、設置應用程序快捷方式等等。

6 Best Always on Display Apps on Android

Always On AMOLED: This app offers an AOD screen with customizable fonts and backgrounds, music controls, and battery percentage display.

HTC U20好用APP推薦: Always On AMOLED

HTC U20這支沒有其他手機的智慧顯示AOD功能就去google play商店找了個替代方案來解決找的是這個Always On AMOLED點進去可以依照個人習慣去授權給app ...


評分9/10(1)·免費·AndroidAlwaysOnisapersonalizationappwithAMOLEDorOLEDdisplaysforAndroiddevices.Itallowsuserstohaveanalways-ondisplaywithvariouscustomization ...,評分1.0(1)·免費·iOS此App只能透過iPhone及iPad的AppStore取得。AlwaysonDisplayClock4+.PatelDarshan.1.0•1則評分.免費.iPhone截圖.更 ...,評分4.0(1,831)·免費·iOSWiththeAlwaysOnapp,youcantakeyourhealthassessment,connectwith80+trackingdevicesan...